Touch the Wall!
I recently finished my "time in art" project! I started the project brainstorming things that have to do with time: clocks, pendulums, sundials etc. I looked at things that change over time such as plants or food.
I am a swimmer and swimming is a sport that is completely based on time so I decided to focus on that. I messed around with my friend's GoPro and was able to get some cool screenshots from the videos I took.
I selected a photo where my hands have just entered the water and I am lunging towards the wall. I really liked it because it captured the movement of the water with all the bubbles and light and dark spots. You can also see the black "t" in the background which marks where the wall is. This captures the essence of time because my hands are about to touch the wall but haven't yet.
I sketched out the picture and like the composition but the pencil wasn't capturing the look of the water well. I decided to use oil pastels because I could blend them by using baby oil. This helped develop the texture of the water.
Ta da!
Wow!! Beautiful!!